Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Our first day of school!

Monday was our 1st day back to school and it was a great day! (I've been trying to post this since Tuesday but the internet was messing up). We're trying to implement the Charlotte Mason method this year and I know it'll take a while to get the hang of it but we're on the right track. We did our journals, writing, reading, real life math, puzzles, then lots of nature time. It was wonderful. While I was outside taking clothes off the line I found this bug. So I snapped some pictures then found something on the clothespin that the bug was sitting on. I brought the whole clothespin in, put it in a jar with grass and left it. We looked it up this morning and found out it is a katydid and that these are indeed eggs! So we're already rolling right along in our nature studies! We're doing our sit down studies this morning and then heading into Ozark this afternoon for a visit to the library and a nature study walk. I'm taking clipboards for the boys to draw a certain animal and then write about it. We'll then come home and look it up in our Nature Study book and learn more about it. I'm excited about this part of schooling to us since it's new to us. I think it'll really teach the boys to be attentive which will really help.

I'm also posting a few photos of our excursion last week. We went with Jonna to Fantastic Caverns where we got some great photo opportunities! I'm trying to add Ben's picture but it messed up yet again (sigh)!!